Monday, September 24, 2012

September Randomness

Not much new this month-
Prelsey is eating solids- Still not sitting up on her own or holding her bottle like her brother was at this age. I have determined that she may end up being as lazy as her mother and father ;) She is still an absolute angel baby! Truely the happiest baby on the block! She loves to move and flip around in all directions. Her best talent is somehow flipping herself onto her tummy while swaddled like a mummy- then proceeding to un-swaddle herself each night.
Vander is an absolute riot as usual. An extremely goofy kid that LOVES to giggle, run, jump, climb and scream (happy screams of excitement). He still adores his animals- Horses the most, but followed closely by Cows, Ducks, Lions and Sheep. He picks up on EVERYTHING we say and has quite the vocabulary now. He jabbers our ears off all day everyday.
(Presley just shy of 6 mos, Vander 22 months)


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