Sunday, February 13, 2011

Vander Update

Nothing exciting to report in the Ingram household this week but I thought I'd at least post a few random pictures. Vander has been kicking like CRAZY, the kid cannot sit still so it's tough to catch a still photo :)

Vanders stats at his 2 mo appointment:
Height : 24 1/2 inches (85th percentile)
Weight : 12lbs 12oz (60th percentile)
Head: 15 3/4 cent (45th percentile)

He just barely started figuring out his exersaucer and loves to bounce on it and make it sing.
Just chillin in his car seat :)
This is the new face he makes in almost every picture because of the "preflash" on our camera. The light makes him open his eyes all wide and crazy like :)
A WILD Braves fan already ;)
Tummy Time!!


ambercarlson said...

He is so stinking cute!! I love him! A

Drew and Tarah said...

ADORABLE! I like his crazed eyes look! ;)