Holy Cow.. I knew I was behind on blogging- but I did not realize HOW far. Fail.. Epic Fail.
I kept such good records of Vander and how he was growing and progressing and I have nothing on Sis for the past 5 months. Poor thing. The joys of being the 2nd child ;)
Well, as very well indicated by not doing a blog post for 3 months, life is SO busy. My work is slammed, Joel got a promotion and is now busier than ever, and along with that, so our our kids!
Here's what Presley is up to these days....
-She is into everything. She loves to explore and will silently disappear for long periods of time to remote locations in the house
-She loves to climb! She is a daredevil and is scared of practically nothing
-She just got her first two teeth about 3 weeks ago. Her top Right and Bottom left? Weird? In the past week her other top tooth has come in, and right now we are enjoying the breakthrough of bottom tooth #2.
-She can stand for a solid 30 seconds or so on her own. And can stand up on her own, but she all but refuses to walk. She has taken 1 step, 1 time.
-She is the fastest crawler EVER. Which may be why she has no desire to walk. She can crawl from one end of the house to the other in 20 seconds flat.
-She hates crawling with her bare knees on the tile while results in an awkward tipy toe crawl. Its hilarious
-She loves anything you feed her. She has just really started eating normal people food and venturing away from baby food slowly and shes loving it
-She adores her brother. He is the most funny person in the world to her. If he smiles at her, she laughs, if he tackles her, she laughs. He can do no wrong. Vander on the other hand is constantly asking if we will put sissy "night night". AKA- Get her away from me.
16 hours ago
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